New Beginnings
This moment has been a long time coming, and yet, as you read this blog you probably won’t understand the gravity of it. And really, nor should you. Because what I’ve been going through privately has been a journey that I haven’t been ready to share – until now.
The stories will unfold in due time, both here and on my brand-new podcast, A SHARPER LIFE, where I’ll give you an inside look into a spiritual evolution, death and rebirth, and shift in everything I have known about myself.
More importantly to you, my beautiful reader, is that these stories are not for me – they are for you.
They will be told to help you in your darkest moments, they’ll shed light for the times you feel stuck, they will inspire you to put yourself first, in a world where this seems so hard to do. And maybe most important? They’ll help you to know that whatever you’re going through, you aren’t alone and you’re exactly where you’re meant to be on your own path to something even greater.
Let me back up for a second though.
I’ve been blogging, vlogging, and Instagramming for a decade now, so I’m no stranger to the online world and sharing my life. However, in 2017 some profound shifts began to happen when my second book was coming out. I went through a mass depression privately as everything I thought to be true about myself and my life was challenged, and I began questioning what made me happy. Because everything I had at this point (which was a lot of amazing things!) was having the opposite effect.
During the next few years, I moved to Paris and got lost in the streets alone with my thoughts and journaled in cafes next to strangers while tears ran down my face. I travelled extensively across the globe, did a year of Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership, hit rock bottom in work even though I was a well-known wellness expert and “influencer.”
I went into a metaphorical cocoon (not on purpose) and during this time basically unlearned everything I knew to be true about myself, the meaning of life, relationships with yourself and others.
And funny enough it was during the pandemic that I moved to Miami, and I finally felt like the butterfly emerging out of her cocoon. I was a new version of myself and now ready to do a massive overhaul of my brand, website, and everything that was shared to the online world.
My outer identity needed to match this new beautiful one that had emerged.
And so, here we are.
This blog post #1 for a brand-new website in which I finally feel matches where I am in my life and what I have to share.
These two words encompass so much more than the 13 letters they hold. New beginnings are possible for every person, at any moment of life and I look forward to helping you explore yours
So, what can you expect from these blogs?
I’m going to be as real and honest with you as possible. Words are my creative space – it’s where I do self-therapy (as I write I actually process information as you would in therapy, only a blank page is my guide) and I also get to share stories. I realized that during my “cocoon” I had an aversion to writing on my blog – because I wasn’t yet through the tunnel. I still had more to process.
I now feel a revival of inspiration – and damn does it feel good. I feel like my old self in some ways, with the creative soul that yearns to write, and a new version with so much more wisdom that is clamoring to share.
Thank you for being here on this journey with me. If you want to stay up to date with all the juicy stories and lessons I’ll be sharing, don’t forget to subscribe here and to the podcast.
To A Sharper Life,