Ep. 31


What My Nose Job Was REALLY Like - Recovery Struggles, What I Wish I Knew, Cost & More

In today’s episode, I’m sharing my personal story of getting a nose job. You’ll learn why I chose to do it, including my lack of confidence around the size, and hear about the negative effects of having a deviated septum. I’m three weeks post surgery and I wanted to share details that are normally not talked about, including surgery and what that was like, the emotional recovery and the importance of transparency about cosmetic procedures.

I’m also telling you an incredible story on manifesting the surgery, including the exact cost, down to the dollar. 

In this episode I’m talking about:

• Why I decided to get a nose job, including the difference between medical and cosmetic surgery

• Choosing a good doctor

• My preparation for surgery + what I wish I knew before

• What no one shares about recovery

• Manifesting the surgery, down to the exact dollar amount

• Tips for you if you’re thinking about a rhinoplasty

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